Day 303
Forgot to post this yesterday, but I did get some tread time in and also made it into the sauna for about 20 minutes. Still not where I want to be, but okay given the circumstances.
Rush is staying at his tante’s house while we get Synneva ready and used to being at home. This is how it is going 🙃

Countown Day 304: Synneva and Training
Training has been slow for the last two weeks. A lot of stuff going on, but luckily it was only happy things. We welcomed Synneva Mavis into the world on November 30th which has taken the front seat. I’ve still been making it to the gym a bit, but because I’ve been up multiple times a night I haven’t had much energy to run. Walking and sauna have been all I’ve been doing. Which is fine. Things will settle down in the upcoming weeks.

“If someone is slipping up, kindly correct them an point out what they missed. But if you can’t, blame yourself–or no one”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 10.4
I have flagged and pinned way too many emails in Outlook today. Mondays! Send help!
Countdown: 315
Been working out at they gym pretty much every day for at least a bit. Slowly seeing progress in my lung capacity which is very welcome. I was feeling my best at the gym in a long while.
I was entered in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. In the first half I started to have shin splints. Decided it was smarter long term to wind down and stop the race. No big deal.
I’ll be trying to do most of the TCM events in 2024. Hot Dish is the next one in March.
Days until marathon weekend: 324
The days are speeding along quickly. Still building up. Adding some Core and Upper body movements starting this week. Once I get yogging at a better pace, or maybe this week, the plan is to start doing cold tub sessions at the gym.
Two workouts from Strava show up on, but not on Mastodon or BlueSky. They can be found here: for the time being.
Rush: New toys are the best.
Me: Pretty expensive for 20 minutes of destruction.
Also me: He doesn’t have one like this. Maybe it will last?

Day 336 until TCM
Been falling off the wagon a bit lately after hurting my back. Didn’t think getting back into the swing of things would take this long. Getting back into it with some long walks and saunas to loosen up before going further. Also going to add some stretching to my routine and make sure I’m getting at least my 10,000 steps in each day as I ramp up.
Dry Sauna: 20 minutes.
348 Days Left until TCM
366 to TCM Day 349
Rain and a sore back are still getting in the way of my progress. I’m trying to at the very least getting outside every day for a bit. Planning a run in the morning to get back on track.
366 to TCM Day 350
366 to TCM Day 352
Pulled back so was out of comission for today’s activities.
366 to TCM Day 353
Had a nice stroll this morning before everything got moving at home.
366 to TCM Day 354
Another day along the long road back.